Collective, Material & Abstract Noun

Collective Noun

It denotes the group of creatures, places, or things.

Collective Nouns denote a group or collection of similar individuals, considered as one complete whole.

1  People  (Group of persons)

2  Crowd ( Group of persons)

3  Batch  (Group of students)

4  Team  ( Group of players)

5  Bunch  ( Group of grapes)

6  Family  ( Group of members)

7  Jury  ( Group of judges)

For other examples are: Army, Class, Committee, Department, Audience, Majority, Minority, Council, Corporation, Society, Company etc.

Material Noun

It denotes the name of a material. Material Noun denotes the matter of substance of which thing is made.

For Examples:
Silver, Gold, Glass, Wood, Stone, Copper etc.

“This ring is made of gold”

“Gold” is a material noun but “Ring” is a common noun. Because it can be diamond ring or other kind of it.

“This chair is made of wood”

“Wood” is a material noun but chair is common noun as it is undefined of what kind of chair it is. It is of wood or  hard metal used to make steel.

” This cup is made of glass”
“Glass” is a material noun. Glass usually transparent substance for making bottles and windows.

Abstract Noun

° Abstract Noun is something that we can not touch or see; we can only feel it. In other words, A person can not physically interact such things. We can’t see, hear touch, smell or taste these nouns.

° Abstract Noun relates to qualities, states or action which can not be seen or touched.

For Examples:
Honesty, Theft, Mathematics, Expectation, Hate, Love, Thinking, Feelings, Beauty, Judgement, Kindness, Politeness, Youth, Slavery etc.

You must be thinking that “Love” is a verb then how come it is an abstract Noun. Let me tell you. There are a few words, which can function as Nouns in some cases and Verbs in other cases, “Love” is one of them.

“Love is life” Piyar Zindagi hai. Love as an abstract Noun here.

“I love you” Main Tumse piyar karta hun. Love as a Verb here.

“Honesty is in my blood”
Subject is “Honesty”. It is an abstract Noun.

“Success is very important”

In above example, Subject is “Success” as per the rule, subject can either be a noun or pronoun. Since it is not a pronoun, it’s a noun then.  Now question is, which noun it is! It’s not a name of any person, place or thing; It’s neither a class, neither a group; nor a material, then what it is? Oh Yes! “Success” it is a abstract noun.


The Magic Of Noun