Topic: Prepositions Most Used Top 10
Preposition is the word or group of words that is generally placed before a noun or pronoun to express its relation with other part of the sentence. The noun or pronoun is used with the preposition is called its object.
Now Let’s Discussed Prepositions Most Used Top 10 with the help of examples.
1 (From)
(From some place)
- Bilawal is coming from Dubai.
- He came from school.
(Point of time)
- Bilawal will work from tomorrow.
- Hareem will work from 10 o’ clock.
(From any source)
- I heard it from Hifza.
- I wrote it from the book.
Here “Hifza and Book” are sources.
2) ( Off ) Leaving a surface
It may be a mobile leaving the surface while being picked up, a man leaving a surface of tree while jumping from there, we leaving the surface of a vehicle while getting off or a plane leaving the surface of airport while taking off.
- She picked the mobile off the bed.
- Ahsan jumped off the tree.
- Move the book off the table.
3) ( Since )
“Since” is used for point of time when the sentence is present perfect continuous tense.
- (Since 2 am, 4 pm, 3 o’clock, 8 o’clock)
- (Since 1996, 2024, 2010)
- (Since Monday, Tuesday…. Sunday)
- (Since morning, evening, night, afternoon)
- (Since yesterday, day before yesterday)
- (Since childhood, birth)
For Examples:
- I have been doing since Monday.
- Laiba has been trying since morning.
- They have been working since 2015.
- She has been helping him since 5 o’clock.
- We have been suggesting them since yesterday.
- He has been teaching since childhood.
4) ( For)
“For” is used for duration of time when the sentence is in present perfect continuous tense.
- ( For 2 sec, 2 minutes, 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 centuries)
- ( For a long/time)
- ( For a while)
- ( For many days/hours/months/years
- Mahnoor has been studying for 2 hours.
- Bilawal has been trying for many days.
- I have been working for a while.
- They have been helping her for long time.
- We have been watching television for 20 minutes.
( For any purpose )
- I did it for you. “You” is the main purpose of doing.
- They came to me for money. “Money is the main purpose of coming to me.
( For exchange )
- I bought a pen for Rs 10.
- Imran gave a mobile for Rs 15000.
5) ( In ) with time
( In 2 years, in one day, in 2004, in winter, in summer, in the morning, in the evening, in any time, in January, in December )
For Examples:
- I was born in January.
- She will come home in 2025.
- He left the company in march.
- They will leave in half an hour.
- They played in the evening.
- She did exercise in the morning.
With large places (country, city, town etc )
- I live in Dadu.
- He will study in china.
( In some objects )
- I found no picture in this mobile.
- I have read it in book.
6) ( Into ) – Motion
- He is going into the room.
- They jumped into the river.
7) ( Before )
( Before 5 o’clock, before me, before she says, before evening )
For Examples:
- He said before me.
- The train will reach before time.
- I will come before they leave.
8) ( After ) – Police chasing theif, chase someone/ something to acquire
- They were unnecessarily after that girl.
- His father has denied twice but he is still after him.
( After – with time )
- She will meet after 9 o’clock.
- Simon reached after them.
9) ( By ) in passive voice
- I was stopped by police.
- He is being called by his father.
- ( By – travel by some vehicle)
- By car, by bus, by plane etc
- She is coming by noon flight.
- Bilawal travelled by bus.
( By – with time only in future indefinite tense)
By morning, by 3 o’clock etc.
- They will leave by 5 o’clock.
- I will finish it by evening.
- She was standing by me.
Here “by” means with (Sath)
10) ( With ) – Perform a task with help of something
- She cut the cake with knife.
- Bilawal wrote the letter with a pen.
- I killed the bird with a stone.
( With ) – accompany someone or something
- I am with her in this matter.
- I went to school with the laptop.
Prepositions Most Used Top 10